
Welcome to Genealogical Research. My name is Gabriele Roth and I live in the little village „Joessnitz „, near Plauen, Saxony, Germany. The first document recording Joessnitz was around 1230. About 1510 the village church in Joessnitz was built. The bells of the old church were cast in 1535 and the sound of their voice has been heard for 356 years. These bells were taken to the new church in 1755. An attraction in the church is a picture by Lucas Cranach the Elder. This picture was painted between 1505 and 1515. The legend of St. George is represented in the upper half of the image. On the lower the kneeling donor’s family is shown. The knight is the former lord of the manor of Joessnitz.

The picture was altarpiece of the old church until about 1755. In the construction of the new church this picture was removed. It moved quietly to the bottom of Joessnitz castle.
In 1837 it was rediscovered and in 1838 restored. Today only the“hunting lodge“ of the old castle remains and it is the symbol of Joessnitz.
I have been working on genealogy for over 10 years.
Have you always wanted to know more about your roots? I can do the research for you!

…We walk on the trails connected with parents and grandparents … Somewhere in our faces during the course of life all of our ancestors can be seen. It is like the child of his mother takes on with age his father’s face. If you do not recognize his face, it is the long-forgotten ancestors which are immediately revealed…
Henning Mankell from „Before the Frost“